FLOWvember Donation Drive

Wednesday, November 29All DayMain Area of Library

For the past year, patrons using Library restrooms may have noticed a stash of free menstrual products. They were generously donated by members.

All the supplies are donated by people who want to make a difference in the lives of their fellow Chamites – people like our patrons!

November is Flowvember at the Library will be accepting boxes of liners, pads, tampons, and menstrual cups, as well as individual items in their wrappers, in designated bins starting Tuesday, November 1, through the end of the month.

UNICEF estimates that a quarter of all human beings on Earth menstruate. Yet menstruation continues to be stigmatized in every country, making access to sterile menstrual products challenging or impossible for many.

In addition to challenges caused by stigma, the American Civil Liberties Union found that the prohibitive cost of menstrual products keeps one in five American teenagers out of school each month.

To participate, community members can drop off menstruation supplies at the Library in designated boxes between November 1-30, 2023.

Accepted items: boxes of liners, pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. Individual items may be donated if they are in their original packaging.

No Registration Required